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Thursday, September 8, 2005
7:59 p.m.
I know we're cool... (Gwen Stefani)

Dear Kurt,
*sigh* Today I felt happy but then a bit depressed, it's been a week after I met Jason and I swear I miss being with him; I know we're just friends but I feel like I already know him as more than a friend.

Today I waited for him for 15 minutes and he wouldn't show up at the computer lab so I decided to give him a call on his cell using the payphone out by the computer lab; first I did the stupid thing of calling the wrong number and leaving a voicemail then I checked my agenda and found his correct number. Well, he told me he got a new job and mentioned something about school which I couldn't understand well because he talked too fast. *sigh* I hope he didn't meant that he's dropping out of school because who am I going to hang out with? Yeah, I can go out with him, but what if I either don't get my parent's permission or never see him again. I'll call him tonight and see what's going on...

I got home early at 12:40 p.m. and ate some crackers for a snack. I went to go pick up Evan from school; I took Alejandra's I Shuffle with me to listen to some music, I almost cried with the song "Cool" by Gwen Stefani, it's been stuck in my head all day. *sigh* Must of reminded me of Jason...

Evan got my Mom and I upset, he forgot his homework packet; so he made me walk with him all the way back to his classroom and his teacher, Mrs. Hayes, was there so she said that this girl Lupita must of taken it by accident, he said "Don't worry, you can just do today's homework" but I got even more upset because Evan was given an assignment he didn't finish in class.

I got back home around 3 p.m. so Mom had to yell at him to get him to hurry up with homework, which luckily he did. :-)

*sigh* Mom was having a bad day, Angelina was being cranky and so was Matthew, I did help her as much as I could by holding Matthew and entertainin him; he's probably teething again and that's why he's been cranky.

I had dinner at 4:30 p.m., Mom made soup and milanesas; they were so good, Carlos even had some after Mom offered him, we chatted about school, he's nice. :-)

After dinner I did some History homework, I wasn't really in the mood for homework because like I said above, I feel like I want Jason so badly, so much it almost makes me cry. :-(

That's all for now, goodnight.

Pancho Pantera

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