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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
5:37 p.m.
"About A Girl"

Dear Kurt,
I'm sitting here on my bed in my room BORED TO DEATH! Erika told me on Monday that she was going to be online today at 4:30 p.m. but an hour has just passed and she hasn't signed on MSN. :-( *sigh* Maybe she had things to do, oh well... hopefully some other day. The song's that playing in my head is:


Nirvana Lyrics

I had dinner two hours ago, Mom made soup and red ground beef enchiladas.

Monica and Alejandra are going to go get their measurements taken for their bridesmaid dresses. Shoot, Raul and Michelle's wedding is getting near... eeeeek! :-S

That's all for now, Evan wants to play games.

Pancho Pantera

P.S. I created a quiz, so enjoy my readers! :-D

Take my Quiz on!

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