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Saturday, December 9, 2006
1:19 p.m.
Alma Gemela

si yo encontrara un alma, como la mia
cuantas cosas secretas le contar�a alma mia sola, siempre sola
oeoo... oeoo oo

alma gemela, donde estas?
te siento cerca, cada vez m�s
te buscar�, hasta encontrarte
porque s�, s� que tu tambi�n estas buscandome.

te pensar� al pensar, naranananana
te mirar� al mirar, naranananana
te so�ar� al so�ar naranananana
y te tocar� naranananana..oeoo oo
naranananana oeoo oo

tantos amores, cuantos m�s
siempre vacia, sin tu estar
te buscar�, hasta encontrarte
porque s�, s� que tu tambien estas buscandome

Dear Kurt,
I'm SO SORRY I haven't posted anything since Monday, I've been SO BUSY with work; it's finally the weekend so I can breathe and take time to type here. *sigh*

My day's going alright. I got up at 8:45 a.m. with a light hungover from Bertha's [belated] birthday party last night and made myself scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast.

I cleaned and washed the birdcages then did my room as usual while playing "tape one" of this neat RARE wooden box I found Tuesday night with all these classic rock/pop albums on mixtapes, I played:

I have this vinyl too but hearing on tape sounds as good as the day whoever recorded the original tape! :-D

I finished my room at 10:30 a.m. so I did the tv room and living room.

Mom sent me to Stater Bros. at noon to buy

Aluminum foil

Tonight I'm going to a Posada at Dorian's place in Anaheim; Erika told me in her chat last night that I'll "most likely find someone there", I asked about Juan and she said "He's not your type..."

Above is a hit video by my favorite Latina pop group Flans. *sigh* It says...

"Soul mate, where are you? I feel you closer, every time. I will search you 'til I find you, because I know you're searching for me..."

So that's my begging for love...

See ya soon I hope!

Pancho Pantera

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