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Saturday, July 2, 2005
1:25 p.m.
The day before the wedding. :-)

Dear Kurt,
Well, the big day is finally here, just 29 hours away! :-D

Yesterday I forgot to mention here that Patty called early in the afternoon to tell Mom that her and Cindy were gonna drive here with a friend. Well, to make the LOOONG story short, she showed up late last night around 2 a.m. and knocked on my window. I was like "Huh? Patty?!" so I got up in my shorts (half naked, that is) embarrassed and opened the door for her and Cindy. Well, Mom and I thought they brought one friend, but it was a young couple and a little girl that they brought along. It's some guy named Eric (I think...), a Portuguese girl named Liliana and a little girl named Isabela who's such a cutie. They're nice and polite, Mom accepted them and served them beans and birria from yesterday for breakfast, she's just a bit stressed out from the mess.

Raul got home from going out with Claudio and friends soon after they got here, he spent the night here. I swear I couldn't sleep from the scare that Patty gave me. :-(

I got up early this morning shortly before 9 a.m. and had Special K cereal for breakfast, cleaned my room, and just sat in the patio with Mom until our guests woke up around 10 a.m. That guy Eric, his girlfriend Liliana, and their daughter (well she looks like them, duh, lol)Isabela were going to go to Disneyland. I hope they find a parking spot and have time to get on the rides because this is a holiday weekend and things will get chaotic.

The funny thing was that I took a shower around noon and then Alejandra was like "Can you wash my car?" and first I was nagging that I didn't want to do it, but she told me that I agreed that i'll the pay for the internet that way. So I went outside and I only had the chance to vacuum and dust the inside because locked up the storage shed and that's where we have all the car wash stuff. I was like "Shoot!" then "Oh well, saved by the shed". *laughing*

I'm going to a picnic with Alejandra, Cindy, and Patty this afternoon. Michelle's entire family will be there, so it will be a combination of "family reunion" and "meet the bride's family". :-) Fun!

That's all for now.

Pancho Pantera

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