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Saturday, April 30, 2005
8:37 p.m.
"Clean Up Before She Comes" - Part 2

Dear Kurt,
I just got home an hour ago from Eli's house; my Mom and I went to help Eli clean her house, my Dad wasn't feeling well, he was getting hiccup so he decided that we go home soon so he could take his medication. We ate Pollo Norten'o for dinner, mmmm... :-) Claudio's friend Fernando was there hanging out and helping Claudio install a garage door opener. I had a good time there, to be honest; at least I didn't had the bad habit of sitting in front of Eli's laptop the whole time.

This morning I got up at 8:35 a.m. and made myself scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast. After breakfast I cleaned and washed the birdcages and gave the birds a rinse as well, they needed it because poor things, they were inside all that filth.

I cleaned my room around 9 a.m. and then went online, I was so embarrassed because Mom walked in at that time and she was like "YOU'RE ON THE COMPUTER ALREADY?! YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO..." and she glared at me and then shut the door. I turned off the computer and left my room, we were getting ready to go to Eli's house.

I guess that's all for now, i'm watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on tv so i'm going to watch it and not do two things at once; watching tv and using the laptop, lol. :-D

Nitey night.
Love as always,
Pancho Pantera

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