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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
3:24 p.m.
When You're Gone


The Cranberries Lyrics

Dear Kurt,
Patty, Cindy and her friends Liliana, Johny and his daughter left at midnight. Patty was being a little grouchy because she was waiting for Cindy and Liliana to get back from this BBQ they went to in Long Beach with Alejandra. I was asleep as they were getting ready to leave and first Liliana came into my room to say bye...

Liliana"Bye Paco, (hugs me) it was nice meeting you, thanks for everything, write to me on My Space"
Me"(sleepy) Bye, thanks, I will"
Liliana (gives me a high five)

*she was drunk, which I didn't notice after she left*

Then came in Cindy...

Cindy "Bye, I love you (voice breaking, crying), I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! (lays in bed with me and snuggles) I'LL THINK OF YOU EVERYDAY! (kissing me lots of times)
Me "(sleepy) Bye, love you too, keep in touch!"

*she was even drunker*

Awww... such a sweet farewell by my niece Cindy, however, those honey-flavored words soon turned into vinegar, oh no. *shivers*

I walked outside supposely to say bye to them, but there was an argument going on between Patty and that punk dude Johny! I was sleepy and like "Am I dreaming, what the (beep!) is going on?!" This is all my ears got to ear and my eyes got to see:

Patty "No, I don't want to argue/ Don't talk like that to my Mom, you can let me drive while you cool off!"
Johny (arguing some stuff I couldn't hear too well because Patty was doing the same over his voice)

He got on the car with everyone, slammed the door, and drove off leaving my Mom and I worried and saying "God bless them, I hope they won't argue even more on the way..."

Enough soap operas...

I couldn't sleep last night because of that, but this morning I managed to get up feeling better and more like home because I felt like I didn't have much privacy with Cindy's friends around. I had strawberry yogurt and a banana for breakfast.

I took a shower before 11 a.m. and so Gloria called me and wanted me to make her some drawings of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) stuff for a school project, so I politely did her the favor since she knows i'm very artistic. My, what wonderful drawings I came up with! :-D I took a picture of this drawing of "La Catrina" and it's gorgeous. :-) I also drew her a skull with flowers and decorations, Monica was just looking at them and she loved them as much Mom did. :-D I also helped Mom dust and vacuum because she didn't want the house to look messy after we had guests.

That's all for now, dinner will be ready soon. What's on the menu?

.Oven baked chicken


Pancho Pantera

P.S. I dedicate the above song to Cindy. :-( An old sappy rock song...

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