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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
1:01 p.m.
"With eyes so dilated / I've become your pupil / You've taught me everything / Without a poison apple / The water is so yellow, i'm a healthy student" (Drain You)

Dear Kurt,
I just got home 40 minutes ago with a BIG smile on my face. :-D I passed my Anthropology final!!! Yay! *cheers*

Today I got to school REALLY early at 7:40 a.m. so I went to the library and borrowed the Political Science textbook to review for Friday's exam; it was so quiet in there because it was early in the morning and mostly everyone was either taking exams or not morning persons like me and everyone else. I left the library at 9:30 a.m. and hung out and the computer lab for an hour. I got an e-mail from my best friend Prudence, who wished me luck on my exams. :-) Sweetheart.

Well, I went to go see Ms. Wood up in the classroom in the D building at ten 'til 11 (I was so exhausted from climbing those steps) and this girl was finishing up her exam, so she smiled and said "I'll be with you in a minute." I swear that my heart pounded and I thought "Shoot, if I failed then i'll freak out in front of her." Well, it wasn't like that at all, thank God! :-D She handed my exam and she smiled and said "You did a good job, best score ever." I made a big sigh of relief when I saw the red B written on the exam and as I walked down, I kept smiling at everyone and making prayer gestures up at the sky. :-) Do you think this isn't going to make me that happy? I had a big weight over me and now I took it off.

*sigh* My Mom was happy when I got home and told her. :-) She said "Good son, study hard for your other exams, I don't want you failing."

Well, I have to pick up Evan from school soon and then study Biology, so that's all I wanted to write.

Pancho Pantera

P.S. I'm chatting with my best friend Luis! :-D

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