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Thursday, May 19, 2005
12:50 p.m.
"Things have never been so swell / I have never failed to fail" (You Know You're Right)

Dear Kurt,
I got home an hour ago; I was bored on my way home so I stopped by the Mainplace Christian Thriftstore/Office Store to browse around and I saw some collectible vinyls:

I didn't buy them because
1. The U2 album was damaged, had a warp on the record. Ouch! :-S
2. I'm not a big fan of U2 and Duran Duran.

This morning I had my Biology final exam and it was alright, it had nothing but questions on Animals and Plants, it wasn't any comprehensive type of stuff. I hope I got a good score and grade on it. I was upset because I couldn't sell back my textbook, the man at the Buyback desk said "They're changing the edition". Damn it!

It's SO HOT today, feels like Summer in May. :-S

That's all for now, I have to pick up Evan from school soon, Mom went to buy a few groceries with Eli. *sigh* I have to study for my Political Science final. My best friend Luis is on MSN and he keeps telling me to study, I shouldn't be lazy.

MWAHAHAHAHA i'm home alone... lol

Pancho Pantera.

P.S. I might get a new template soon. ;-)

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