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Thursday, April 21, 2005
7:46 p.m.
"Skin the sun / Fall asleep / Wish away / The soul is cheap / Lesson learned/ Wish me luck..." (Dumb)

Dear Kurt,
I'm in my room just taking a break after studying for my Political Science exam. My parents are in the living room listening to music. :-) Heh, we each have our entertainment.

Dad has hiccup, but it comes and goes... hope the medication is helping him because I (as much as everyone) NEVER EVER want to see him sick in a hospital again.

It was hot today, but right now i'm sitting on Alejandra's bed looking out the window, watching the sunset. It's getting cooler; good so I can sleep well tonight. :-)

The rest of my day was alright. My parents got back from grocery shopping at 1:22 p.m. and a minute later, Eli came to hang out. She checked out Alejandra's laptop and she was happy as much we were to have it, I let her check her e-mail. :-) I did my Biology homework and then went to go pick up Evan from school 2:30 p.m.

I had dinner early at 3:30 p.m.; Mom made soup, Shake & Bake-style chicken, and salad. MMMM... *drooling* Claudio also came over to have dinner with Eli and us and he also checked the laptop out to see if it was working okay, which fortunately it is. :-D

After dinner, I went into my room here and checked to see who was on MSN and my good Chinese friend Ellis was on and he was happy that I have internet at home. :-) I talked to him for 10 minutes and studied my notes for my Political Science exam. Alejandra went to go get a haircut tonight, so I was able to "hog" the laptop before she did, haha. :-)

I guess that's all for now. I'm going to bed in an hour, first i'm gonna have some cereal for supper and see if anymore of my friends are online. Goodnight.

Love as always,
Pancho Pantera

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