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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
1:07 p.m.
"Silence / Here I am / Here I am / Silent" (Endless Nameless)

Dear Kurt,
I'm here at Eli's house, I got here shortly before 11 a.m. Right now i'm upstairs in Claudio's computer room with Eli, who is sewing something to hang on the patio's tent. It's so quiet in here...

The funny thing was that Eli wanted to paint the curtains of the patio tent and she made a mess by smudging to much paint on them, so she changed her mind and decided to buy some fabric instead, we both agreed it was much easier and neater; so therefore we went to JoAnn Crafts and found some neat striped fabric. I was a bit itchy from all the dust inside the score, i'm allergic to dust. :-S Eli was so nice enough to buy me a corn dog at Wienerschnitzel, which was down the street. :-)

That's all for now. See you later.

Pancho Pantera

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