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Thursday, October 13, 2005
8:50 a.m.
Feeling Frenchy. :-)

Dear Kurt,
I'm sitting here at the computer lab listening to

which came out 10 years ago like um.. today! :-D I was 13 when I got into them, i'm a life-long fan indeed! :-)

Mr. Redfield didn't show up today; my whole class and I waited 15 minutes and this lady told us he wasn't coming so we left. I'm wearing that Paris shirt Monica got me this summer and this DIESEL jacket Alejandra didn't mind if I wore so i'm feeling Frenchy today, lol. :-D I wrote this funny note while "killing time" waiting for him, it's in French:

Aujourd'hui c'est le jeudi, 13 octobre 2005. Je suis dans la class d'art avec Monsieur Redfield, il n'arrive pas! Nous sortons tot aujourd'hui? Je ne sais pas... J'apporte un t-shirt avec les monuments du Paris, ma soeour me la donne de son vacation a Europe l'ete dernier. :-) Ou est le prof?! Il est malade ou perdu? Seulement dieu savais... C'est 8 heures 10 du matin, je vais attendre 5 minutes et si mon prof n'arrive pas, a la maison! Quelle jour!

Vive l'amour, la pes, la France, et Mexique! :-D
8 h 15: Mon prof ne venu pas! :-(


Today is Thursday, 13 October 2005. I'm in art class with Mr. Redfield, who doesn't arrive! Will we leave early today? I don't know... I'm wearing a t-shirt with the Paris monuments that my sister brought me from her trip to Europe last summer. Where is the teacher?! Is he either sick or lost? Only god knows.. It's now 8:10 in the morning, I will wait 5 minutes and if my teacher doesn't arrive, go home! What a day! :-(

Long live love, peace, France, and Mexico! :-D
8:15 a.m.: My teacher didn't come at all! :-(

And that's all my Frenchy stuff for now, au revoir!

Pancho Pantera

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