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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
10:00 a.m.

Dear Kurt,
I'm chilling out at the computer lab listening to my Launch station, I was just listening to The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" and before that was... BJORK! :-D It was this song i've been wanting to hear called "Unison" from


Here's a sample of her lyrics:

One hand
loves the other
so much on me

Let's unite tonight
we shouldn't fight
embrace you tight
let's unite tonight

Let's unite tonight
we shouldn't fight
embrace you tight


I went nuts because Rosie sent me a link to a Q Awards story, so thank you for that Rosie! *hugs Rosie tight*

Click here!

History class was alright, we had a quiz which was tough but we only had to know half of Chapter 8 which is exactly what I only read on the bus, lol. After our quiz we had a funny lecture where Mr. Martin had me and this guy Alfredo pretend we're a farmer (that was me, heh) and a seargant (that was Alfredo) and so he said "Mr. Garcia gets to booze it up, whore it up..." and I giggled. :-) At the end of class he said "Next time i'll let Mr. Garcia be the seargant" lol...

That's all for now, this morning was so dark and cold but now it's sunny.

Oh, i'm chatting with my best friend Catrin on MSN. :-) She got my letter, yay! :-)

Pancho Pantera

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