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Saturday, June 4, 2005
1:36 p.m.
Hitchin' A Ride

Hey [sister], where you headed?
Are you in a hurry?
[We] need a lift to happy hour
Say oh [yes]

Dear Kurt,
I'm going to type a quick entry because Mom's in the shower and I just got ready an hour ago; we're going to my Aunt Chela's house to visit her and my Aunt Lupe, who came call the way from Morelia with her husband, my cousin Ana and her husband and 3 sons. We thought we wouldn't find a ride, but first we called Gloria and she was busy, then we called Monica and she said "Yes, [she'll] be there at 2 p.m." which is like 20 more minutes, eeek! :-S

Anyway, I helped Mom do some cleaning this morning: washed and scrubbed the birdcages, dusted and vacuumed the tv room and living room, helped her put up the shower curtain that she just washed and the curtain in her bathroom window that she also just washed. :-) My arms are still so damn sore from working out, I did some weights last night and I had enough after doing less than 15 minutes of them. :-S Ouch! *rubs arms*

That's all for now, Mom and I also called Dad at work to remind him that we're going over to my Aunt's, he'll pick us up after he gets off work. Eeeek, I need to leave my Aunt's cell number and directions to her house so he can find us.

See you later.

Pancho Pantera

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