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Thursday, August 17, 2006
5:24 p.m.

Dear Kurt,
Why does the world function the way it does? I mean, why do people have to be so aggressive on the streets?

I got up at 9 a.m. this morning and had Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal and strawberry cheesecake yogurt for breakfast then I tidyed up my room and got ready for work.

Situation 1:I was walking out of my house and out of the mobile home park where I live and this idiot wasn't paying attention so i'm glad he didn't run me over. As I walked to the bus stop listening to the rest of Madonna's discography on my iPod there was an accident but it was soon cleared by the police officers.

Situation 2:I got on the 71 bus at 10:45 a.m. and that's when I almost got in a fight; this bald "Trashy" man glared at me and mocked my gay attitude so I ignored him and by the time I got off the bus I "flipped the bird" at him, I know that wasn't an appropiate gesture and I swear I didn't do anything to him but he got on my nerves! I mean, I am who I am and if you don't like it kiss my behind! At least I made it to work in once piece. *sigh of relief*

Well, work was busy today but we made it. *another sigh of relief* Teresa "was sick" according to Jacob but Marcos came and saved the day. :-D

Pinto was much calmer today despite our bad report card. I washed dishes, cleaned tables, swept, and cleaned the restrooms during my last half hour; I saw that HUNKY waiter again, he waved at me from our window. *giggles* He seems like a cool guy and I would love to be friends with him, he seems like he does want me as a friend. At least he's open-minded, not like that bastard I saw on the bus this morning!

Marcos and Jacob have things to do tomorrow; Marcos has a soccer game and Jacob has a show with his Metal band, I might work for Marcos from 5-9 p.m. tomorrow so he'll give me a call on my cell tonight. :-)

I made myself a Pastrami sandwich to go then clocked out at 2:55 p.m., I ate it (MMM... yummy!) on the bus stop bench then took the 71 at 3:30 p.m.

Right now i'm bored to death and Gloria didn't come over again but it's okay, at least I know how to take care of myself and cook!

That's all for now.

Pancho Pantera

PS. I thought of the title at random! Karma and Pharmaceutical combined; the world has a lot of karma and it needs to be healed1

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