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Saturday, June 25, 2005
7:39 p.m.
Kind and Generous


Natalie Merch.. Lyrics

Dear Kurt,
I got home an hour ago and took a shower because I was a complete mess; I was at Eli's house with my Mom, we went to help her clean up for Michelle's bachelorette party (the one I can't go to) tomorrow. We got a lot done in 3-4 hours, we got there around 10:30-11 a.m. this morning. :-) We finished around 3 p.m. and went out for lunch with Eli, Claudio, and Mom; we went to Wahoo's and there I had my favorite dish: the #7 Spicy Chicken Bowl. :-D

We hung out at Eli's house after we ate, which was around 5 p.m. Eli's best friend Leida was there, I haven't seen her in a while since her cousin Petra passed away early spring, she was even talking about how much she suffered and I almost wanted to break down in tears. :-(... Rest in Peace Petra. "+"

Eli was so nice enough to let Mom borrow a skirt and this black lace Spanish mantilla (wrap) for her to wear with the blouse she got yesterday for Raul & Michelle's wedding. Well, I think it will look elegant on her, however, Mom thinks it will look silly but i'll try to convince her to wear that. She needs something modern, she needs to "glam" herself up. :-)

That's all for now. Shoot, the wedding is next Sunday!! At this hour i'll be on the dance floor. :-D I'm going out with Dad tomorrow since I can't go to either Raul's or Michelle's bachelor/ette parties. I hope he feels better because he got his hiccup, which goes and comes back. :-( *hugs to dad*

Pancho Pantera

P.S. The above song is by Natalie Merchant and I dedicate to Eli, who's such a sweetheart; she's been helping us in every way, God bless her. I downloaded this song yesterday and it's so stuck in my head, it makes me cry. :-(

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