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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
11:22 a.m.
While my laptop gently weeps...

Dear Kurt,
I'm here at the Tustin Library checking my messages because my laptop "got sick" yesterday, it's probably some virus that got into it. *sighs, glares at virus* I'm gonna ask my brother in law Claudio to fix it this week, I kept calling him and Eli last night but they wouldn't answer. *sigh* HELP!!!

My day started out with the noise of the kids Mom babysits: Matthew, Angelina, and now Cindy who's on summer vacation; they were my alarm clock, heh.

I got up at 9 a.m. and had Special K cereal and strawberry yogurt for breakfast then I tidyed up my room, got ready for work, and took the 71 bus at 10:45 a.m.

I neither don't have much to say and much time, gotta be at work at noon; I'm gonna check out this Phil Collins CD

*It looks as good as the one I have on vinyl. :-)

and the 1,000 issue of

*It has the 100 Greatest Covers, among them are Kurt Cobain, John & Yoko... *shivers* I wish I could keep it!!

See ya later, hope to type an entry here once my laptop is "back alive"

Much love,
Pancho Pantera

PS I stole the entry's title from this Beatles song "While my guitar gently weeps", hee hee. :-D

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