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Sunday, April 24, 2005
12:01 p.m.
"Sunday morning is everyday for all I care..." (Lithium)

Dear Kurt,
I'm sitting here on my bed BORED TO DEATH. I'm in a "leave me alone, I want to be alone in my room" mood. Why?

1. Mom and I were gonna go to Eli's house to help her clean.

2. Eli had plans, so she called us and was gonna take us out for breakfast at 11 a.m., but...

3. My cousin Maria Luisa (Dad's niece, my late Uncle Clemente's daughter)called like 2 hours ago saying that she's on her way, but she still hasn't arrived.

*sigh* So i'm stuck here with my parents on this boring Sunday. The sky is so dull, it gets cloudy, then sunny, and windy; it can't stay one way. :-(

I woke up shortly before 9 a.m. this morning at went online, my Diaryland buddy Rosie (spirit-chick) was on. I had Froot Loops for breakfast and then I read the Sunday paper. I said hello to my Face Party buddy Elena and then I made my bed and took a shower around 10-10:30 a.m. after Mom told me what I listed above on #3.

I guess that's all for now. Hope my cousin shows up or i'm gonna go out on my own. Where? Who cares, I just want to be out and not indoors!!

Pancho Pantera

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