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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
9:57 p.m.

on candystripe legs spiderman comes
softly through the shadow of the evening sun
stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
looking for the victim shivering in bed
searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
suddenly! a movement in the corner of the
room! and there is nothing i can do when i
realise with freight that the spiderman is having
me for dinner tonight

quietly he laughs and shaking his head creeps
closer now closer to the foot of the bed and
softer than shadow and quicker than flies his
arms are all around me and his tongue in my
eyes "be still be calm be quiet now my precious
boy don't struggle like that or i will only love
you more for it's much too late to get away or
turn on the light the spiderman is having you
for dinner tonight"

and i feel like i'm being eaten by a thousand
million shivering furry holes and i know that in
the morning i will wake up in the shivering cold
and the spiderman is always hungry...

Dear Kurt,
*big yawn* I just got home from doing a second [night] shift at work half an hour ago, this new guy Marcos injured his leg playing soccer so I had to substitute for him from 5-9 p.m.; there wasn't much customers on this quiet windy evening so I helped Pinto close the restaurant. I'm tired but in a good way because it's work and those extra hours will get me more $$$ :-D Even my boss Rumy and my coworkers Pinto and Teresa thanked me. :-)

Well, the rest of my day was alright. My first [day] shift at work, which was from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. was "so and so"; it was busy then slow...

During my last hour of my day shift, 2-2:30 p.m., I sweeped and mopped the area where we keep the dishes which was so filthy *shivers* but I left it looking clean because my boss Rumy was worried that the Health Department Inspectors would get her and us in trouble for that.

I took the 71 bus at 2:50 p.m. and stopped by Stater Bros. to buy Mom some things she needed for dinner which were a "brick" (I call it that because it looks like one, lol) of Monterrey Jack cheese and a 2-liter bottle of Coke.

I got home around 3:30 p.m. and Evan and Angelina were being bratty so I got them under control; Matthew was trying to take a nap so they woke him up and so Mom and I got upset at them, they were just too loud!

I had dinner around 4 p.m., Mom made Pastel Azteca which is what lousy Americans might call "Mexican lasagna"; it was SOOO good!

I got called from work around 5 p.m. so that's when I left to substitute, Claudio was nice enough to give me a ride and then Dad came to pick me up. :-)

Well, it's my bed time (10:10 p.m.) so I better lay to rest.

With lots of love on this Valentine's Day,
Pancho Pantera

PS I love that Cure video above, it's my "goodnight" song. :-)Oh, I got a nice Valentine e-card from my niece Erika which made me cry. :-( Aww.. she's a sweetheart!

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