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Saturday, June 3, 2006
8:32 p.m.

Dear Kurt,
*sigh* I had an exhausting but fun day. :-)

I got up at 9 a.m. this morning and made myself a strawberry milkshake and scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast which was MMMM... good! :-D

After breakfast I cleaned and washed the birdcages then I tidyed up my room and got ready for work; I took a cold shower which refreshed me from this scorching heat, I took the 71 bus before 11 a.m. and arrived at work too early so I sat outside reading the paper and listening to

The Best of Sade

on my iPod Nano, something mellow, romantic and not loud like my other music. :-)

I clocked into work at 11:50 a.m. and began my day, Marcos and Pinto were glad I was around to help because lunch hour was busy but it was fun to work today and not be home doing cleaning. :-D Marcos is a cutie *giggles*, he was keeping an eye on me making sure I didn't mess anything up and he would help when I had too many sandwiches coming. It finally started to slow down around 1-2 p.m. so I cleaned the dining room and the sandwich table then I had an Italian sandwich at 3:30 p.m.

This picky American man irritated Pinto and I...

The Scene: He ordered two Oven Roasted Turkey sandwiches, one on wheat with guacomole added so I gladly made it.

Picky American You didn't add the guacamole... *being sarcastic*
Me Oh yes I did... *trying not to start an argument*
Pinto Are you sure Francisco?
Me Yes, positive!
Pinto I can make you another sandwich or put some guacamole in a container sir.
Picky American No, it's fine... thanks!
Pinto Here, a free cookie, you were nice and didn't complain... *trying to prevent an unecessary argument*

*Man walks away*

Pinto Francisco, it's okay, I believed you. He just wanted "everything free", even the girl wanted him to get her food.
Me I know Pinto, yeah.. WHAT A BRAT! *giggles*
Pinto *giggles* Yeah, it was no reason to complain.

Octavio was half an hour late because he's a Nursing Assistant so I understand how busy it is with patients, he smiled and chatted with me for a bit as I was getting my sweaty uniform off...

Octavio Hi Francisco, did you want to leave so badly? Sorry I was late...
Me No, not at all... I didn't mind! *smiling*
Octavio So what's new?
Me Not much, same o same o... just working, everything's fine
Octavio Same o same o? *makes a sandwich for a customer*

I politely waved at him and Pinto as I was walking out exhausted but happy, I would NEVER get mad at him or my coworkers, they're my best friends. :-)

Well, the 71 bus irritated me completely because it was 30 minutes late!!! The 5:49 p.m. one didn't show up so the 6:19 bus did and boy was it packed, some fat ugly dude had his belly showing and he was saying all this schizophrenic stuff so I glared at him and ignored him.

I got home at 6:30 p.m. and Mom received me with her loving words "Hi hun, I was worried but glad you're home" and I told her the whole bus thing, she lovingly served me my favorite dish: TACOS!! :-D I had 4, 2 steak and 2 pork sausage. MMMM...

Teresa had called me but I wasn't home yet so I called her back...

Me Hi Teresa
Teresa Hi Francisco!
Me Did you call? Sorry, I just got home...
Teresa Yeah, just got home?? *shocked*
Me Yeah, the bus took forever!
Teresa Ouch... Was Octavio on time?
Me He was late but I don't blame him..
Teresa Oh, so how was it today, busy?
Me Well, the lunch hour was as usual but it slowed down...
Teresa That's good, hey I wanted to call to tell you that Jacob's gig got canceled.
Me Oh, no problem. Hey, I did see him during lunch, he had his arm bandaged because he got a

Grim Reaper tattoo

Teresa Yeah, he told me that he went looking for me...
Me Heh
Teresa Sorry the gig got canceled, I wanted to go but Jacob said he'll let us know when the rescheduled one will be.
Me It's okay, next time for sure!
Teresa Okay Francisco, bye!
Me See ya, take care!
Teresa You too!

And with that I say goodnight, above is the video to the song that made my tantrum at the bus stop this afternoon go down before I exploded.

Pancho Pantera

PS We did indeed use too much Mayo at work, lol! Coincidence... :-D

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