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Monday, June 20, 2005
12:30 p.m.
One Step Closer


Linkin Park Lyrics

Dear Kurt,
What is wrong with me? I've been so pissy ever since I woke up this morning. *sigh*

Evan was telling me about a goldfish that was dying and then Eli wanted something and so that made my head go around in circles, so much that I just exploded and went into my room, which is when I slammed the door and Dad came in like...

"Are you mad? Was that door slam an accident?"

Me: "Yeah, sorry Dad, i'm not feeling well..."

I watched some tv and then took a shower, which calmed me down a bit.

1:06 p.m.

Well, I just had a little talk with Mom and Eli about my "mood". They were saying that I shouldn't be quiet the whole time because that might be the reason or the place where all my anger comes from. *sighs*

Well, i'm gonna listen to what they told me and join them to talk and do more "open" things.

See you later.

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