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Saturday, April 8, 2006
4:45 p.m.
You Know You're Right

NIRVANA lyrics

Dear Kurt,
*sigh* I was depressed this afternoon but then I cheered up, Bertha came over so I sat with her and Mom in the patio; out of nowhere they started talking about death so I sobbed when they mentioned [my late cousin] Elisa and walked inside the house with tears in my eyes, it hurts me deeply to have lost that sweetheart. Bertha was also talking about her neighbor/good fried who tried to commit suicide earlier this week so it made my weeping worst, I didn't want to hear another word about death.

I walked to the store to buy Mom things she needed for dinner such as bread, garlic spread, garbanzos, and cigarettes *shivers*; I also cashed in my paycheck and bought this magazine after I noticed it in the news stand:

I went nuts when I saw it, lol

I got up this morning at 9:17 a.m. (I slept in a little) and made myself scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast then I cleaned and dusted my room; I was upset that Alejandra's stereo wouldn't play my

With The Lights Out

boxed set CDs, I swear that I take good care of them and they don't have a single scratch! Stupid stereo then... *glares*

I finished cleaning my room around 11 a.m. so I helped Mom dust and vacuum the tv room and living room then I took a shower.

That's all for now, here are some pictures that I took as a memorial for you...

My Nirvana corner

My Nirvana, which lies on top of my record player, it includes: The boxed set, Nevermind on vinyl, Sliver 7" single, my heart-shaped box, and this snow globe with a picture of you and Courtney Love inside

Heart-Shaped Box, which I made a couple of years ago, inspired by the video

Pancho Pantera

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