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Saturday, January 27, 2007
12:22 p.m.

Dear Kurt,
I got up early this morning at 8:30 a.m. with SO MUCH energy! :-D I made my Saturday breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham! :-)

I cleaned and dusted my room early at 9 a.m. while playing

The Pink Panther Original Score

and record one of

on vinyl. *sigh* The Pink Panther was relaxing and Pink Floyd rocked! :-D I bought those two records two weeks ago before going into work, it got me in such a "Pink" mood that I made this collage the day after I bought them:

Click here!

Neat isn't it? :-D

I finished my room early at 10 a.m. so I then cleaned and vacuumed the tv room and living room. :-)

I'm happy that my best friend Prudence and I are back in touch because we've been SO BUSY with work that we lost touch but now we're e-mailing each other constantly, yay!

Well, tonight I'm going to Raul and Michelle's birthday party; I'm still in my pj's so I need to get all handsome later, lol. I'll take pics...

That's all for now, the playlist also came out of my "Pink" mood. :-)

Pancho Pantera

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