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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
8:09 p.m.
Problems and their Solutions... :-)

Dear Kurt,
*sigh* I'm so happy because I was able to find a website for the Art textbook, Experiencing Art Around Us, which I couldn't afford to buy and also haven't had luck finding at my school's library; there I took notes on every chapter/topic we've been covering in class so far. :-D I just finished writing 3 pages of notes, but it was worth it, God bless that website!

My day was alright, however, I was feeling a bit ill this afternoon; I had a migraine on my right eye (where Monica poked and scratched me the day we had that awful fight) so I took two tylenols, which was the recommended dosage so don't think that I took too many. lol :-) The reason why I felt ill, as Mom noticed, was because I only have a cup a yogurt before I leave to school and no snacks in between classes; I guess my stomach can't hold little food, it needs more to keep my energy up and running. I agreed on taking a fruit so I can eat it after class that way I won't starve and wait to eat dinner.

Art class was alright, I bought some blank tapes at the vending machine in the A building so I used one to tape today's lecture; man, the tape's quality is poop, can't hardly hear what my teacher's saying over all that "humming/hissing" noise. I don't blame my teacher, it was my fault for sitting almost way at the back of the room. :-S Note to myself: Sit at the front, I've gotten bad tapes resulting from bad seating. Heh

Mr. Redfield, my Art teacher, let us out early around 9 a.m. so Alejandra wanted me to run an errand for her which she explained to me last night before going to bed; well, to make the long story short:

First she wanted me to turn her her "add" slip for a class so I went to the Admissions office; I was so embarrassed because the nice lady at the window wanted me to sign it so I did and she's like "Please put who you are..." and I wrote "(Brother)" and she said "No hun, write that it's for your sister" and I laughed. :-D

Second she wanted me to try to get a refund for these books that she's either not using or found a better deal for. Well, she gave me her credit card & receipt with the books so I went to the bookstore and was helped by this guy named Raul who I met at a party long ago; he was nice but he told me that "the last four numbers on the credit card are different than those on the receipt" so I thought "SHOOT!" and told him "Okay, i'll let my sister do it..." It turns out that Alejandra lost her credit card and got a new one, so that's why the numbers were different.

I went to the library after I did that errand; there I did the Discussion Questions for tomorrow's History lecture. My, the work I did... :-S I finished in one hour but time didn't matter to me because I needed to concentrate. :-)

I took the "60: Larwin Square" bus around 11 a.m. and then the "71" at 11:40 a.m.; got home at noon and Angelina wasn't in her best mood, she was being aggressive and throwing BIG tantrums for no reason. She took a nap and that helped cool her down, Matthew was sweet as always, I played with him and put him to sleep. :-)

I went to pick up Evan from school at 1:40 p.m., something I haven't done in a while; man, was I lost! First I couldn't find his classroom and then him himself; he got out without noticing that I was sitting at a lunch bench outside his class the whole time! He worries me... I hope he doesn't have A.D.D. I just told him "next time wait for me"

I helped him with his homework and he took forever, two hours!!! Now that worried me more, he kept "staring into space", misspelling words, writing sloppy, and forgetting what answers I would give him. *sigh* Hope they won't put him in Resource like they did to me, my teachers thought I was dumb. Damn those b****es... *glares*

I had dinner at 4 p.m.; Mom made rice and pork in black chile sauce with nopales (cactus), i've never had them before but they were tasty! First it was beans that I didn't like, now these, lol. :-D

*yawns* I'm gonna have a glass of milk and go to bed.

Pancho Pantera

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