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Monday, December 5, 2005
7:55 p.m.
Random Pictures. :-)

Dear Kurt,
I'm bored and tonight I was too lazy to do review for my final exams, Alejandra and I fell asleep in the couch around 5-6 p.m.; it's just too much stress, it's funny because we woke up like "What??" lol. :-D

Anyway, here are some random pictures for your viewing pleasure:

I took this picture on Saturday as I was getting ready to go to Claudio's birthday party; I set Alejandra's camera on top of my bookshelf, put the timer on, and snapped this picture. You can see me jamming with Evan's acoustic guitar, my "Blue" painting behind me, and the bed I rest in and dream in. :-)

I took this picture on Saturday afternoon while at the party, it's my sister Elizabeth's dog Noki; long time no see, sorry he looks evil, it's the red eye effect. lol

I painted this for Elizabeth this summer, I was surprised to see it hanging on her bathroom so I snapped a picture of it. :-D

I took this picture this morning after I got ready and before I made my bus rides to school; it's me wearing my new coat and sweater, don't I look handsome? :-)

Me again, closeup... :-)

Aww.. i'm smiling! :-D

And last, but not least...

My buddy Rosie was wondering about Evan's mousetrap invention, so I took a picture of it to explain it better. :-) Well Rosie, this is a non-cruel trap; the mouse (which I made a clay model of, hee hee cute) walks up the ramp to the cheese (it's a piece of old sponge, lol) and falls through the trap door. Monica, Alejandra, Mom, and I thought this was clever because poor mice, they either get glued or clasped to the trap. *shivers* Ouch! This is a cute model we made out of one my old shoeboxes. :-)

Well *yawns* I should be getting my things ready for tomorrow and go to bed, goodnight!

Love as always,
Pancho Pantera

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