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Monday, February 5, 2007
7:32 p.m.
Kiss From A Rose

SEAL lyrics

Dear Kurt,
500th ENTRY!! My what a long trip it's been. :-D

I just got home half an hour ago. I went to go eat with my Mom, Bertha, Blanca, and Bertha at this Mexican seafood restaurant "El Calamar" which is this little place in Santa Ana. The food was good, I had shrimp wrapped in bacon, rice, beans, salad, and french fries. :-)

*sigh* After we ate we went to my cousin Elisa's grave because Blanca wanted to water it. I got off the car and saw it, my how gorgeous it was, as gorgeous as my cousin was. *sobs* It's shiny, black, and with pictures printed along with family messages engraved. I wiped some tears as we drove out of the cemetary, I dedicate the song and this entry to her...

We also bought groceries and water.

Work was peaceful today, thank god!

Well, I'm chatting with my niece Erika so I'll leave you now.

Love to Elisa,
Pancho Pantera

*singing along*

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