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Thursday, July 14, 2005
1:25 p.m.
London: A Week After. (Minute of Silence)

Dear Kurt,
My day's going alright, I just have and had some things to do.

This morning around 10-11 a.m. I helped my Mom clean out the fishtank because it was... well, let's not describe it, but we left it like new. :-) I took a shower after we finished and then I went online and registered for my classes this Fall, which begin on August 22. I hope (crossing my fingers) this will be my last semester so I can go to Cal State University Fullerton and do my career in Graphic Design, which I have faith that I will, I just need to study my head off to get good grades and accepted. My classes will be:

Astronomy 109: Intro to the Solar System

History 101: World Civilizations to the 16th Century

Art 100: Intro to Art Concepts

Sound like good classes, but again, I have to study my head off. :-S

I guess that's all for now. Alejandra was telling me last night that she wants to get a tattoo of a shield with our family's last names, Garcia-Ortiz, so she wants me to design it for her out of some images she downloaded. Yay, i'll get to design her tattoo and she'll have it immortalized on her skin. :-D

Pancho Pantera

P.S. It's been a week after the London attacks, so can I have a minute of silence?

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