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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
7:42 p.m.
Me dicen el Cladestino por no llevar papel

Dear Kurt,
My day was peace! :-D I got up at 9 a.m. this morning and had my usual Special K and yogurt breakfast then I tidyed up my room and got ready for work.

I took the 71 bus at 10:15 a.m. and got to work WAY TOO EARLY so I walked to Mervyn's to browse around; I saw these nice sweaters in an ad but they didn't have any in black so meh...

I clocked into work at 11:25 a.m. and it was a bit slow but then around 12:30 p.m. I did what I misse doing: going out with the banner! :-D I took my beloved iPod and stomped my feet to its good rhythm. By the time I went back into work at 1 p.m. it was busier. :-D

Teresa told me that Pinto came and closed for her yesterday after that angry rant she threw on me, she said "If they ask me to stay one more time then I'll quit for sure!" Eeek...

I washed dishes, cleaned tables, and swept during around 2 p.m.; Teresa wasn't feeling well so Pinto asked me to stay until 3:30 p.m. so I gladly did, that added more to my paycheck, yay! :-D

Marcos came in at 3:30 p.m. so that was the time I got out of work. :-)

I always am good at timing so by the time I'm out of work there's the 71 coming! :-D I took it at 3:50 p.m. and got home around 4 p.m.

Mom was telling me that "Gloria talked to the lady she met who work with Imigration and half of the long delay is Don Lauro and Imigration itself" so to make such a long story short... We'll receive a new package of forms soon and start from scratch, hopefully it will be ONCE AND FOR ALL, we honestly have lost trust in Don Lauro who "supposely filled out each form correctly" That... well, let's skip profanities.

I had dinner soon, Mom made rice and beef in chili sauce, MMMM...

I was happy because I received my first Rolling Stone magazine in the mail! :-D Rock and Roll baby!

Right now I'm chatting with my loving niece Erika, she's upset that I didn't meet anyone and about my papers; let's just take things one breath at a time...

That's all for now.

Pancho Pantera

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