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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
11:22 a.m.
Sober III

Dear Kurt,
I'm sitting here at the Tustin Library typing this entry after checking all my e-mail and My Space messages, I should head off to work soon since have 13 minutes left of internet time. :-)

I deeply apologize to you and my readers (Rosie especially!) for not updating in 11 days; I got into a really bad argument with my sister Alejandra ten days ago, "supposely" she sold her laptop to me so Cindy was downloading SO MUCH music on it that she froze it so I got mad then she got mad, I yelled "Fine, just give me my money back!" while drunk. *sigh* We apologized to each other the day after so right now we're trying to reach an agreement, hope it's in my favor because I use the laptop more than she does, lol

Well, work has been busy but i'm having fun, been working extra hours. I get paid on Friday so WOO HOO! :-D

That's all for now, hope I don't take too long to update again...

Pancho Pantera

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