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Thursday, December 1, 2005
7:46 p.m.
Thursday Evening Post

Dear Kurt,
I'm laying on my bed with Alejandra's laptop on my lap, just thought I'd type a "Thursday Evening Post". :-)

My day was good, actually! :-D This morning at 8 a.m. I had my Art class and it was nice; Mr. Redfield is so nice, he's going to give us our final exam on the 13th instead of the 15th. The funny thing was that we had a "vote" on it:

Mr. Redfield Okay, when do you want the exam, the 13th or the 15th?
*silence, then people calling out dates*

Mr. Redfield Who wants it on the 13th? (I raised my hand along with the majority) Who wants it on the 15th? (Few hands went up) *silence* Okay, the 13th and those who have a problem with that, see me.

Me *thumbs up* Yay! :-D

I was happy that i'll have my Art exam and have time to get my nightmaric History "part 2" exam the next day.

Class ended early, as always, at 9 a.m. so I went to the library to do some Art review; some white dude and these Vietnamese students were rude, the dude on his cell and the students talking. I politely went "Shhh..." and continued my review. :-)

The library PCs get on my nerves because

1. You only get 30 minutes of internet time.
2. They're "For research only"
3. They block My Space!

As I walking out I saw this French book (this war novel) on sale for 50 cents but I didn't get it. Ahh.. nooo, I hope it's there on Monday! :-S I relieved my nerves by going to the computer lab to check my My Space messages then I went to the bookstore to buy flashcards to use to study my History stuff and the test forms so I don't have to rush at the last minute; the guy at the cashier was nice:

Hello, may I help you? How are you doing? *smiles and waves at me to walk to the cashier*
Me Good, thanks, you? *smiling, as always*
Good, sorry for the wait (There was woman taking her time in front of me...)
Me It's okay, i'm patient *smiling again*
Thanks, I appreciate it *smiles back*

He was cute, hee hee. :-D

I took the "60: Larwin Square" bus at 10:40 a.m. and as I getting ready to get on I saw Eduardo again flirting with that guy; he saw me again and I smiled and looked at him like "Aww.. you loverboy". *giggle* :-D I sat at the back and saw this gorgeous Japanese guy with bleached blonde hair wearing a nice suit, I gave him a flirty look and he didn't mind; I wish I would of said "Ohayo gozaimasu" (Good morning) to him. *giggles*

I only had to wait 10 minutes for the 71 and as I was waiting this smiley chubby man asked for the time so I politely gave it to him, he then lighted up a cigarrette next to me and I walked away; I mean, come on, don't smoke next to me people! Grrr...

I got home early around 11:30 a.m. and Matthew was crawling around when he saw me and laughed with joy; I picked him up and caressed that little angel then watched Sesame Street with and Angelina (the hyper girl, lol).

I had Doritos for lunch and then I went to pick up Evan at 1:30 p.m., on my way I picked up a whole stack of magazines from the Clubhouse where we live; mostly gossip, entertainment, and fashion (God, I love the clothes, makeup and photography! lol)

I helped Evan with his homework and he was being a little distracted but I managed to hurry him up.

I had dinner at 4 p.m., Mom made rice and pork in black chile sauce, mmmm... :-)

After dinner I got so cold that I went to my room to put my beloved denim jacket on and when I walked back to the dining room my cousin Carlos was around eating and socializing with my mom and Monica. :-) Today was so foggy and windy, by the way... BRRRR! :-S

That's all for now, it's now 8:14 p.m. and i'm watching a movie about the life of the late Pope John Paul II. *sigh* I cried when he left earlier this year, so i'm sure i'll end up crying again tonight. :-(

Love always,
Pancho Pantera

Oh, Claudio will FINALLY fix Alejandra's laptop this weekend, so I won't update until she gets it back (hopefully on Sunday!) ; at least I have my journal. :-)

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