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Thursday, May 5, 2005
5:22 p.m.
"Weather changes moods" (In Bloom)

Dear Kurt,
I'm sitting here in my room with Evan, who anxiously wants to play games but I keep telling him to wait until i'm done.

I had dinner like an hour ago; Mom made soup, rice, and these round things with spinach and green pepper. MMM... *licks lips*

I stopped by the Tustin Library around 10:45 a.m. to drop off the "Motorcycle Diaries" book I finished while I was on the "60: Larwin Square" bus on my way there. :-) I checked out this cute Charlie Brown comic book:

It's big and heavy. :-S

On my way out I found a stack of books that someone left by the door to "donate" and one of them caught my attention:

I picked it up and took it, muhahaha. :-) That software's on the laptop and I want to know how to use it, so the book can help me.

I walked into VONS, which is in front of the library and near the bus stop, to see if they had the "SPIN 20th Anniversary" magazine, but they didn't. I was so embarrassed because the security alarm went off because my bag was full of books, so it might of thought I had "something else". Stupid machine... lol. Well, that was the bad news, the good news was that I found another magazine that made me go nuts, therefore I purchased it right away; it is the June 2005 issue of Guitar World with a picture of you (yes YOU!) on the cover with a story on "Nirvana: The Recording Sessions". :-D I didn't find an image to load here. :-(

I got home at 11:35 a.m. and so Monica was so nice that she brought me a hamburger and fries from IN-N-OUT so I put those two food items in the microwave for 30 seconds and had it for lunch. :-) I then read the new chapter for Biology class, which is on plants.

The weather has been so weird today. It's been cloudy, windy, then a bit sunny, now dark/cloudy. I hope it doesn't rain. :-(

That's all for now.

Love as always,
Pancho Pantera

P.S. Hi Rosie! :-) *waves*

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