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Sunday, January 21, 2007
5:48 p.m.
Sunday Windy Sunday

Dear Kurt,
I'm laying here on my bed on this WINDY Sunday watching "I Love Lucy" and checking my mails which I didn't get a chance to do yesterday because I was busy with work then helping Monica move some things over to her new apartment.

My day was alright today. I got up at 9 a.m. this morning and I craved pancakes SO BADLY that I asked Mom to make me some; she lovingly made them for me with leftover Bisquit Ready To Use mix. MMMM.. I had two with LOTS OF HONEY! *sigh* Dark brown as my Mexican skin and sweet as my Mom's love!

After breakfast I read the Sunday paper which I found outside the clubhouse where we live, ready for me to read, yay, I missed it since last week! :-D

I didn't do much this afternoon because Evan was sick, my poor angel! He had a stomach ache and was drowsy so Mom and I took care of him while Monica moved the last of her things to her place. Monica rushed back to take him to the doctor and he's better. *big sigh of relief*

I had pizza with Mom for dinner, mmmm...

That's all for now, Sunday Windy Sunday... *sigh* Ha, I'm ripping off U2! *laughing*

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