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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
10:33 a.m.
Work and my "Thriller" dream...

Dear Kurt,
I'm here at the Tustin Library checking my e-mails, My Space messages, and typing this short entry before walking to work which is right in front; only a 10 minute walk. :-) I'm doing fine at work, by the way... a little busy but i'm used to the fast movement of making one sandwich after another. :-D Today, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday (yes, Saturday, i'll have something better instead of cleaning the house and sitting around in front of the tv!) I work from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. At least the time the time goes by fast and my boss put me on the computer so I can clock in/out that way my hours will count as $$$ :-D

Late last night I had this creepy dream where my sister Alejandra and I were being chased by the werewolf that Michael Jackson plays in the "Thriller" video:

Click to see the image, it's a bit scary so careful! lol

We were running through a white house with all these doors closing them one after another but the problem was that some wouldn't lock, the werewolf ended up smashing a door open so I kicked him "right where it hurts" and he left. LOL, what a creepy but funny dream! :-D

I must get going to work, see ya later, xoxo.

Pancho Pantera

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