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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
11:33 a.m.
Working Day and Night

Dear Kurt,
I'm here at the Tustin Library checking my online goodies because I gave my laptop to Claudio for him to install the CD Burner/DVD player combo he promised me, hope I get it back soon so I don't have to bother coming to the library.

Well, i've been working my behind off but it's life and what counts is the great rewards. :-D I worked a double shift yesterday and tomorrow I might work another one, this time for my other good friend Martin who has things to do. YAY, MORE MONEY MORE MONEY! I've been saying that a lot and it has come true!

Well, I gotta get going to work soon, I go in at 12 p.m. and get out at 2:30 p.m. so i'll get home and cook myself a steak, Campbell's Chicken and Rice soup, and salad; i'll make Dad's dinner as he arrrives from work. :-)

Sorry this entry is short but i'll post longer entries once my laptop's back. Oh, i'm gonna rent

which I haven't seen in a while, it was the only one of my favorite movies that caught my eye; I can't wait to take it home and watch it after dinner, i'll be laughing on the sofa! *giggles*

Pancho Pantera

PS. I couldn't find the Michael Jackson song with this entry's title, awww! :-(

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