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Monday, March 6, 2006
7:01 p.m.
You Gotta Be

Dear Kurt,
I'm laying here on my bed with Alejandra's laptop resting after a hard day of work. :-)

Today I got up at 9:06 a.m. and had Special K With Red Berries cereal for breakfast then I made my bed, took a shower, and got ready for work.

I called my coworker Pinto at 10 a.m. so I had to show up to work at 10:30 p.m. and Dad was nice enough to drop me off on his way to get some groceries.

Well, work was busy today but the day went by fast. :-) I wore my hearing aids during "rush hour" and I did a good job; the only mistake I made was at the beginning of my shift, around 11 a.m., I made the wrong sandwich! Pinto said it was okay so we saved it and used the meat for another one. *sigh of relief*

I clocked out at 2:30 p.m. and took the 71 bus at 2:50 p.m., I got home at 3:15 p.m. and Dad was at the dentist with Evan; he had to return because he forgot his credit card but luckily they saved it for him or else I would of freaked out for him if he would of lost it. *another sigh of relief*

I ate dinner with the kids, Mom made rice and meatballs which was so good! :-D

After dinner I helped Evan with his homework but he was getting so distracted that I gave up so I went into my room and burned a copy of that Bebe CD my coworker Octavio let me borrow then I went online, I also helped Dad get the treadmill onto his truck because Alejandra wanted to borrow it.

Well, that's all for now. The song above motivates me, i've been loving it since it came out 11 years ago, man am I old, lol

Pancho Pantera

21 DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY! That's 3 weeks from today!

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